by Kristian Hernández, Senior Editor, SVG News

Every year, the MLB All-Star Game calls for sure-fire connectivity and synchronization between the compound and the stadium as well as among devices working together simultaneously. For the biggest events during the recent four-day stretch of All-Star festivities in Denver, CP Communications was onsite to assist participating broadcasters with RF connectivity at multiple venues.
“Given the size, shape, and number of users at an All-Star Game, coordination is extremely important,” says Michael Mason, president, CP Communications. “In this region, mountain-top TV transmitters made it more challenging, but doing accurate site surveys and getting current spectrum scans from the area were extremely critical.”

CP’s connectivity solutions involved a large chunk of the equipment used by Fox Sports, ESPN, and MLB Network. On the camera front, 16 RF handhelds included a Sony HDC-P50 on a MōVI camera rig, a Steadicam, two Megalodons, two FlyCams, and batting-cage POVs. As for audio, 60 wireless microphones were deployed: by reporters; on players, umpires, and coaches; and buried in the ground.